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Leadership Discussion

Education and Loss Prevention Department Leadership Blog. Tips for leaders, ideas for prefab, safety tips, code ideas, announcements and more. 


I also encourage you to participate in the discussion and share your ideas and comments. 

See Something...Say Something!!!!


Updated: May 21, 2024

Thursday, September 28, 2023

All E Light employees have both the right and the duty to report hazards and stop work in a situation where hazards that have not been mitigated or satisfactory protection has been put into place. This is the very core of our safety program, and it is essential to making sure that all of us work safely and each of us goes home to our loved ones and friends every day. We all want to get the job done and we all develop relationships with our coworkers as we build a project, and we encourage that. It is part of what makes us great and successful. We also need to make sure that we are doing things safely. Sometimes everyone forgets about the processes and procedures, and they need a reminder. We all need that reminder sometimes. Every one of us needs to be observant and know what is going on around us and if we see something that we know is not right or unsafe, we need to say something. It is not snitching or getting anyone in trouble. It is simply letting people know. It is saying " Something is not right; can we talk about this." E Light has numerous ways to do this....

1. Tell your supervisor.

2 Tell your PM.

3. Tell the safety manager.

4. Use the QR code on the safety postings on the project.

5. Call the Director of Education and Loss Prevention.

Let someone know. Start with your supervisor. If that does not resolve the issue, then use the other processes. If you see something, say something. 

Ted "Smitty" Smith

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